
Resilience Reminders From Dr. Suniya Luthar

by Nina L. Kumar

Posted on March 23, 2020

Dr. Suniya Luthar

We hope that you and your families stay healthy during this time of stress. To help, Dr. Suniya Luthar, our Chief Research Officer, has put together a list of resilience reminders and tips for those working remotely; Suniya is among the world’s leading researchers in the science of resilience, or doing well in the face of adversity.

We want to provide all of the help we can to those who need through these difficult times. Please do not hesitate to reach out! We can be reached at nlkumar@authconn.com and sluthar@authconn.com.

Stay informed via reliable news sources, but maintain limits

Seek updates from reliable news sources, but set aside a few times a day to do this. Avoid obsessively scanning the news for more information, as this will keep your anxiety levels high.

Focus on what’s in your control, rather than what isn’t

If you’re prone to catastrophizing, be gentle but firm with yourself in trying to stay focused on what’s in your control, things you can do to stay healthy, and ways in which you could help others.

Do what it takes to reduce your stress levels

Carve out time to do what most helps you to defuse your own stress. Exercise, read, walk, meditate, listen to your favorite music – whatever it takes for you personally to feel more calm.

Communicate openly with close others

Ongoing uncertainty plus confinement can strain relationships. Communicate clearly about what aggravates feelings of stress in others with you at home, and communicate what are triggers for you. Take time to understand how each of you can best help when nerves are fraying.

Establish a Routine

Create a structured schedule that includes focused work time, breaks, meals, and time for exercise. This will help you feel grounded.

Above All, Stay Connected!

At all costs, avoid isolation. Put it on your daily schedule to text, call, or FaceTime with your loved ones. Have a Zoom visit with your group of friends. Now more than ever, it’s time to prioritize staying connected!

*If you'd like a version of this content as an image to distribute, please contact Nina Kumar (nlkumar@authconn.com)


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